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Common Door Lock Problems and How to Fix Them

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Door locks are the unsung heroes of home security. While people are looking closely at retina scans and keyless entries, door locks have remained reliable partners in protection. They are crucial to any residential and commercial property’s security systems—giving a true sense of security. However, although the ever-reliable, door locks are prone to damage over time and can result in several problems. 

Not all locks are perfect. After years of usage and braving the outside conditions, door locks will eventually run into some problems. Dirt, dust, a loose screw, or an unhinged latch amongst many others are all it needs to push you out of your premises. These common door lock problems happen without warning, forcing you to stay outside or leaving you with a broken lock. In these times of distress, there are things you can do to fix these problems. But if you want a smoother and safer process, calling an emergency locksmith is the best solution.

Common Door Lock Problems and How to Fix Them

Key Won’t Turn Inside the Lock

You’ve had that scare, haven’t you? You put the key into the lock, turn it clockwise, and it just stops. Usually, putting it back in and doing it slowly and more precisely would always do the job. However, if it still refuses to turn, the key or the lock has accumulated some damage. 


If the problem lies with the key, a common key replacement service should do the trick and get you inside your home. Unlike a non-expensive key service, damaged locks are trickier to fix. Loosening up a lock involves a small amount of either lubricants, graphite powder, or silicone spray.

These are meant to loosen what was holding the inner mechanism back. After lubricating the locks, use the key again and see if it works. If it doesn’t, it’s time to call an emergency locksmith to replace the lock.

Broken Key Inside the Lock

If the key won’t turn inside the lock, leave it be. Trying to open it will only lead to even more problems, including snapping the key in half. Not only can you lose a key, but you are also losing access to the lock—seeing as half of the key is inside. 

Considerably the most annoying door lock problem ever, having a broken key inside the lock is an event you can never prepare for the first time. Though inconvenient, this problem is easily solvable when calm.


Hopefully, the snap wasn’t that bad. If you can still see a part of the broken key in the lock, you can use needle-nose pliers to pull the key out slowly and carefully. Use a lubricant if the key is too far or stuck to ease the process. You can also get a broken key extractor tool from your local hardware store. This allows you to hook the other half of the key from its teeth and pull it out from the lock. If all else fails, seek assistance from a local locksmith near you for professional, reliable, and non-wrecking lock services. 

The Locks are Jammed

A lock can easily get jammed after a couple of years in service. This door lock problem is due to the build-up of dirt and dust lodged deep into the mechanism. This causes the lock to jam and get stiff, making it almost inaccessible. More than a locksmithing concern, jammed locks could also be extremely hazardous. During emergencies, a jammed lock would threaten the safety of the people inside the establishment.


Apply a small amount of graphite spray or silicone-based lubricant to loosen the inside of the lock. This way, you can turn the key again to see if the locks are still jammed. However, jammed locks could also mean rusting inside the mechanism. To remove rust from the lock, disassemble it and soak the parts in vinegar or cover the rust in baking soda. After cleaning off the rust, assemble the lock and install it back in its place. 

This is possible to do at home with enough experience. However, calling a locksmith is enough to resolve jammed locks effectively if you are inexperienced with the technical processes.

A Broken or Misaligned Door Latch

One of the more significant door lock problems, a broken or misaligned door latch is a home or business owner’s worst nightmare. It is not only extremely inconvenient, but it also exposes your property to external threats. This is especially relevant to homeowners with kids and pets who like to wander through rooms and doors. 

The door latch keeps doors closed until it recognises a key or other authorised access. A broken door latch means doors cannot lock or close properly. This is because the latch bolt is not aligned with the doorjamb’s strike plate.


Repairing door latches can only go one of two ways. If the door latch is only slightly misaligned, you can operate the door by tightening some screws and hinges. However, a repair could be as complicated as realigning the whole door—even the frame. Call an emergency locksmith to repair or replace the door latches as necessary. 

The Locks are Frozen

Commonly occurring during the winter, door locks can become frozen because of the build-up of moisture and the sudden temperature drop. In this case, door locks can become dysfunctional—adding to the heaps of problems winter has already caused. 


Fortunately, this door lock problem can be solved through DIY means by exposing the ice to heat. You can use a hairdryer or a heat gun to melt the ice inside and outside the lock. You can also apply a de-icer or a small amount of rubbing alcohol to the lock. This makes the ice melt quicker and frees your lock effectively. If you encounter any problems with the ice or are finding it difficult to expose it to heat, call a local locksmith to get yourself back inside the warm indoors.